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Examiner qualification German DTB B2-C1

In this free-of-charge qualification, you will learn to distinguish between B2 and C1 levels in oral examinations with a focus on vocational and business language and to objectively assess each test taker’s performance.

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Your tasks as an examiner:

Distinguishing between B2-C1 levels poses special challenges for examiners: focusing on the test takers’ linguistic repertoire, accurately assessing within a vocational and business context, and assigning the correct levels. 


As a licensed telc examiner, you will assess the test takers’ oral performances confidently, objectively and at the appropriate level. 

Which exams can I examine with the German DTB B2-C1 licence?

With this examiner licence, you are authorised to administer the following telc examinations: 

  • Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2 (DTB B2)
  • Deutsch-Test für den Beruf C1 (DTB C1)

Requirements for obtaining the telc examiner licence German DTB B2-C1

Teaching experience at CEFR levels B2 and C1 (minimum of 450 teaching units in total) 

• Authorisation as a teacher for vocational language courses up to level C2 according to § 18 DeuFöV 

• German proficiency at C2 level 

​​​• Familiarity with the formats of the telc examinations covered in the licence 

• Knowledge of telc DTB examination regulations 

• Working knowledge of the relevant CEFR levels and the action-oriented approach 

• Completion of the DTB introductory module in telc Campus


Please note: 

If you have never held a telc examiner licence or if your licence expired more than 6 months ago, you must first complete our free introduction for examiners A1 to C2 module on telc Campus.

Qualification programme

Examiner qualification German DTB B2-C1:  

Asynchrones SelbstlermodulVor OrtLIVE Online

For details on online qualification seminars, click here.


The qualification process

During the qualification seminar, you will assess sample performances and discuss them with other examiners. You will learn to apply the marking criteria consistently and reflect on your role as examiner. 

At the end, you will complete a licensing task in which you will evaluate one to two examination situations. If you successfully complete this task and fulfil all participation requirements, you will receive a telc examiner licence German DTB B2-C1. 


For details on online qualification seminars, click here.

Licence Validity

To examine telc examinations, you need a valid telc examiner licence. Each licence is valid for three years.  


To ensure quality and consistency of examination assessment, regular training of examiners is essential. With each successful qualification, you receive confirmation from telc that you are competent in your examiner role and are a valuable member of our community.