Discover our course books and materials for German in academically-oriented language courses.
Are you teaching German as a foreign language (DaF) or German as a second language (DaZ) to academic professionals or prospective students? With telc teaching materials, learners can make rapid progress in academically-oriented German courses.

Our course book series “Auf jeden Fall!”
With our six-volume course book series Auf jeden Fall! Deutsch A1-B1, you will help your learners develop solid German language skills at the beginner level and prepare them for higher levels. Motivated learners can progress quickly thanks to the book’s engaging and challenging design.
Even at a low language level, learners practise expressing their opinions in German, making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing, which trains their discourse skills. In everyday life, work and studies, it’s important to have the ability to briefly summarise spoken or written information. Auf jeden Fall! promotes these skills and prepares learners for professional or academic life.
The course book also teaches learning strategies to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary when reading and listening —all of this using exciting topics that inspire enthusiasm for the German language! The audio files, videos, answer key, and transcripts are available as free downloads here.The course books and teacher's guides in PDF format can be found in our shop.

“Einfach weiter! Deutsch B2”
Einfach weiter! is suitable for experienced and motivated German language learners. It covers all important B2 language points through various exciting topics. Einfach weiter! explores these interesting aspects in eleven flexible modules, encompassing topics from everyday life, science, society, and the professional field. Those who aim to work or study in Germany can acquire in-depth knowledge with Einfach weiter! The course book establishes a solid foundation at B2 level for those who wish to continue to a C1-level course. With an additional section for exam preparation and a mock examination, Einfach weiter! prepares learners for the telc Deutsch B2 examination. The audio files and the teacher's handbook (as PDF) can be downloaded for free in the download section on our website. The course book can be purchased as a printed book or an e-book in our shop.

“Einfach zum Studium! Deutsch für den Hochschulzugang C1”
This course book is particularly suitable for those who intend to pursue studies in German. It can be used in courses preparing for university entrance exams or other academically-oriented C1-level courses. Einfach zum Studium! prepares learners for everyday life at the university by teaching them relevant vocabulary, familiarising them with a wide range of text types, and helping them develop other skills at C1 level. Exciting insights from interesting academic fields make learning German with Einfach zum Studium! enjoyable. The modules can be flexibly implemented in the classroom. Einfach zum Studium! includes graded writing samples, allowing aspiring students to compare their own texts and improve accordingly. Additionally, the course book prepares learners with an additional section for exam preparation and a mock examination for telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule. The answer key and listening transcripts are included in the course book. The audio files and a course planner can be downloaded free of charge from our website. The teacher's handbook can be purchased as a PDF in the telc shop.
Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
With Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, learners deepen their German language skills and prepare for the university entrance examination. Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule is suitable for self-study and classroom use. If you are using Einfach zum Studium! Deutsch für den Hochschulzugang C1 in your course, Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule is a useful addition. Each chapter of the book revisits the topics and texts covered in the course book while adding new aspects. It also provides tasks for each examination section, as well as varied exercises that gradually lead learners to the examination task. The acquired knowledge can be tested using a mock examination. The sections on writing and speaking also include evaluated learner samples, providing insight into the evaluation of the examination. Answer keys including explanations encourage self-evaluation. The audio files can be downloaded for free fromour website and in the telc Deutsch-Box app. Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule can be purchased as a printed book or an e-book in the telc shop.
Train vocabulary for university studies with an app
With the app telc Deutsch C1 Wortschatz, learners at C1 level can practise individual words and language chunks that are relevant for the examination. The app provides definitions and example sentences for many words and expressions. With six different exercise types, learners can fill their knowledge gaps. The language is taken from the reading and listening texts of the course book Einfach zum Studium! Deutsch für den Hochschulzugang C1. All of the texts are included in the app. The app can also be used independently of the course book for vocabulary training at C1 level. The app and the first module "An der Hochschule" are free. Additional modules can be purchased through in-app purchases.
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Read more about the app in this article from DOK.magazin!
For further information, you can also visit our YouTube channel.