Discover our course books and materials for German integration courses.
Our teaching and learning materials for integration courses consistently align with the framework curriculum for integration courses and effectively prepare learners for the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). They cover all relevant topics related to everyday life and work in Germany and can be used flexibly in classes for German as a second or foreign language. Free downloads with numerous exercises facilitate classroom work. We offer core course books that are approved by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) for integration courses, as well as various accompanying materials such as exam preparation, grammar and training resources for writing. Our course books are available in print as well as in various digital formats, allowing you to select the appropriate course books or training materials for your course format and learners.

"Einfach gut!" - our course book series for integration courses
The six-volume course book series Einfach gut! is approved by the BAMF and takes into account the action fields and topics laid out in the concept for integration courses. Learners can use this series to prepare for the required language level and the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). Einfach gut! includes exam-format tasks, exam preparation sections, intermediate tests and mock examinations.
Using the digital teaching companions to this series, you can conduct your classes online or accompany your face-to-face classes with interactive exercises. Free materials such as answer keys, audio texts and files, as well as worksheets as photocopy templates and vocabulary lists, are available in our download area. You can purchase the course books, digital teaching companions, and teacher's guides as PDFs with valuable tips for teachers, integrated photocopy worksheets, and lesson testsfrom our shop.
Prüfungstraining Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer
With the telc Prüfungstraining Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer, learners improve their German language skills and prepare for the examination. Each section focuses on a different exam task. There are vocabulary exercises related to each action field of the BAMF's framework curriculum for integration courses. You will find an additional page to promote writing skills at the start of each section, as many learners find writing in a foreign language particularly challenging. Learners can compare their own writing performance with evaluated authentic samples from test takers and improve their writing accordingly. You can purchase Prüfungstraining Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer as a printed book or e-book from the telc shop.

German for asylum seekers
Many German cities offer German language courses for recognised asylum seekers and refugees already in Germany but without admission to an integration course. Einfach los! Deutsch für Asylbewerber is designed for learners with no prior knowledge and allows them to acquire basic language skills. It provides initial orientation and facilitates the transition to an integration course. The material is designed for over 300 teaching units and enables teaching without extensive preparation. The audio files and vocabulary lists can be found in our download area. For more information about the course book and tips for teachers, please visit the telc shop.
Exercise books and self-study materials
Exercise books and self-study materials are also available for targeted practice of language skills and grammar in a professional context. Explore our grammar training A1-B1 and the intensive training for Einfach gut! in the telc shop. Both are suitable for classroom use as well as self-study purposes.

Teaching materials for literacy
Einfach gut! Alpha is designed for adults and young adults who need literacy instruction. It is specifically designed for second-language learners and is suitable for use in literacy courses. The audio files, photocopy worksheets, and vocabulary lists are available for free in our download area. The teacher's handbook is integrated into the course book. There is a writing exercise booklet, which can be used as supplementary self-study material. You can purchase the course book and the writing exercise booklet here.
What is an integration course?
Integration courses are organised by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) for immigrants and consist of language courses and orientation courses. This means that refugees and immigrants not only learn the language but also gain knowledge about German history, the legal system and the culture. They learn to communicate in all important situations of daily life and discuss values, different forms of coexistence and topics such as tolerance and equality during the course.
The integration course concludes with the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). The target level is level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Learners whose language level is lower can also receive a certificate for level A2. In some cases, this is already sufficient to start working. Integration courses include general integration courses, literacy courses, courses for specific target groups, as well as support courses and intensive courses.
How can learners practise vocabulary for everyday life and work?
With the vocabulary trainer phase6, integration course learners can practise the vocabulary from the course book Einfach gut! at all proficiency levels. phase6 is a digital flashcard system: cards that reach the final phase are stored in long-term memory. The vocabulary is available in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Spanish, Pashto, and Tigrinya as source languages, with German as the target language. The phase6 learning program is available in desktop, smartphone, and tablet versions. The complete vocabulary for all volumes of Einfach gut! is available in the phase6 online shop.
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
For more information, visit our YouTube channel.